Saint Louis Children's Dr. Brad Warner is the physician leader of CSSI which has assembled surgeons to evaluate surgical techniques, research and share expertise in order to improve the surgeries performed to help children.
This information was reported in the Saint Louis Children's Newsletter "Gifts" Fall 2009. Dr. Warner has also successfully recruited a fetal surgeon which will not only help in congenital diaphragmatic hernia infants but many others too. He is continuing this effort to find committed pediatric surgeons for CSSI.
Currently there is nothing like CSSI anywhere in the United States. Initially CSSI is focusing on four speciality areas:
- Fetal repair - many conditions can now be treated through fetal surgery, Dr. Warner recently recruited a pediatric surgeon to enhance the team's capabilities in fetal procedures and research congenital birth defects.
- Childhood cancer - many cancer treatments require surgery but many childhood cancers can not be cured. Research will assist in developing new surgical treatment options. Dr. Warner is searching for a cancer surgeon researcher to lead in this area for CSSI.
- Trauma - the program is quickly developing in staff to investigate treatments for childhood trauma, improve survival and aid in the prevention of traumatic incidents in the future.
- Pediatric gastroenterology - this is Dr. Warner's special interest and he continues his research through CSSI. Current research are in Necrotizing enterocolitis and short bowl syndrome. Congenital conditions such as diaphragmatic hernias are also the focus. The surgeons not only diagnose and treat CDH but have carried out new surgical methods to improve outcomes.
These families, children, health professionals and their children were there (some in spirit) to help assist to start this amazing endeavor. Breath of Hope is humbled by what a small group of very determined people can do with hard work, effort and the undying fire within to make a difference. This will make a difference, now and in the future!