Doctors, Families Rally for Cure for Deadly Birth Defect

Parent's Perspective News Report of Saint Louis Children's Hospital Press Conference

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Resolution for CDH Awareness Day Proclamation?

Have you made resolutions for 2015?  Are you going to?  How about making a resolution to write your Governor and request March 31st Proclaimed Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Day in your state and/or your Mayor for your city/town?  We have the documents for you to either mail in or copy and paste into email or website contact forms to your state authorities.  Note:  If your governor was just elected into office this past November, please wait until they are sworn into office. Email for the documents! 

Note:  As always, you keep the Proclamation when it arrives; we just ask that you send us a picture!  We also have fundraising ideas to help benefit CDH Research and Support!